Prescription Assistance Through Community Help (P.A.T.C.H.) Program

- Many senior citizens today must choose between paying for basic living expenses or purchasing their much-needed medication.
- The P.A.T.C.H. Program provides seniors with monetary assistance to purchase life sustaining medication.
- Program start in 2010
- The PATCH program is entirely supported through community donations.
- The Chino Senior Center partner with the Chino Culture Foundation to make these funds available to those in need.
- The Center assists 4 to 5 seniors a month.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Chino Residents
- Seniors 60+
How It Works:
- Assistance is available every three months
- Payments is made directly to the pharmacy.
How to Apply for Assistance:
Contact the Chino Senior Center
Phone: 909-334-3271